Marc Herschel

Marc Herschel


DQGUI is a Java based IDE (Integrated Developer Environment) currently being developed as a capstone bachelor project for the IQM4HD (Intelligent Quality Monitoring for Heterogeneous Data) domain specific language. It provides users of the IQM4HD project a way to interact with the engine by utilizing a graphical user interface provided by a fat client.

This allows users to develop components of the IQM4HD language without the need of setting up the entire IQM4HD infrastructure first. DQGUI features a tab based editor with syntax highlighting, management components that: create, edit and remove domain specific code, execute domain specific code, visualize and filter the results of such executed code, supervise an R process that is required by some features of the language and map database connections to be used by the IQM4HD engine.

DQGUI main window

It contains a modular system for database and file operations that allows future developers to extend the application by their own functionality.

The database abstraction layer allows developers to implement support for previously unsupported database engines while the domain specific language service abstraction creates a foundation to support different ways of accessing IQM4HD source code. It also features a framework that wraps the underlying JavaFX that is used for the graphical user interface.

DQGUI repository search


  • Database Abstraction Layer
  • Code editor with syntax highlighting and auto suggestions
  • Basic static code analysis
  • Repository management, compilation unit management
  • Database and file system repository support
  • R integration
  • Full repository text search and other IDE features
  • Compilation, execution and presentation of IQM4HD actions

DQGUI is currently still in development and the source is not publicly available.

DQGUI Results and R Panel